As many as 10% of obstetrical patients use herbs during pregnancy, but in our experience midwifery clients are much more likely to use herbs and alternative medicines. We have included some basic herbal guidelines for you. Remember that any common herb you use for cooking is likely just fine in the amounts used in cooking. A good example is Basil. Basil, even pesto, is fine, but basil essential oil is contraindicated. Rosemary, garlic, sage, oregano, turmeric, are also good examples of herbs that are safe in cooking, but not in supplement amounts.
These are herbs that will help the mother and baby in the early development stages:
Black Haw— used in the early stages of pregnancy to help prevent miscarriage.
Blessed Thistle— used in the latter stages of pregnancy as a liver tonic and builder, as well as a stimulant of blood flow to the mammaries, and used to increase milk production, also reduces hemorrhaging during childbirth.
Chamomile— lifts spirits and calms the nerves, used for digestive disorders during pregnancy, is combined with ginger to help morning sickness, and has a high calcium content as well as an anti-inflammatory aid.
Dandelion— greens and root— a high source of vitamins and minerals, aids digestion, nourishes, and tones the system, diuretic, useful for fatigue and exhaustion, liver booster.
Echinacea— safe for 7-10 days to boost immunity. 1 tsp tincture 2x/day.
Ginger Root— used for morning sickness and digestive problems, safe during pregnancy for treating colds, sore throats, and congestion. No more than 1 gram of dried ginger a day, preferably 250mg taken 4x/day.
Kelp— high in vitamins and minerals, aids thyroid
Nettle Leaf— rich in many vitamins and minerals, especially iron, so it is very useful for those suffering from chronic fatigue and exhaustion due to low iron, aids in enriching and stimulating flow of milk; good for use throughout all stages of the pregnancy
Red Raspberry Leaf— tones and nourishes the uterine muscles, rich in vitamins and minerals, enriches and increases milk flow, restores the system after childbirth, good for the entire pregnancy.
Peppermint— used to reduce nausea and vomiting. Peppermint tea is safe in normal doses, however, be aware that 1 drop of peppermint essential oil has as much power as 30 cups of tea and is not recommended without supervision.
Spirulina— high in vitamins and nutrients
Herbs to avoid or use with caution during pregnancy:
Angelica— stimulates suppressed enstruation
Black Cohosh— uterine stimulant— mostly used during labor
Blue Cohosh— A stronger uterine stimulant
Borage oil— a uterine stimulant— use only during the last few days of pregnancy
Comfrey— can cause liver problems in mother and fetus— use only briefly, externally only, for treating sprains and strains
Dong Quai—may stimulate bleeding
Fenugreek— uterine relaxant
Goldenseal— too powerful an antibiotic for the developing fetus, also should not be used if nursing
Henbane— highly toxic
Horsetail— to high in silica for the developing fetus
Licorice Root— can create water retention and/or elevated blood pressure with extended use. OK for short periods of time for sore throats if no high blood pressure present
Motherwort— stimulates suppressed menstruation
Mugwort— can be a uterine stimulant
Nutmeg— can cause miscarriage in large doses
Pennyroal Leaf— stimulates uterine contractions (NOTE: Pennyroyal essential oil should not be used by pregnant women at any time!)— do not handle if pregnant or nursing
Rue— strong expellant
Shepherd’s Purse— used only for hemorrhaging during/after childbirth
Uva Ursi— removes too much blood sugar during pregnancy and nursing
Yarrow— uterine stimulant
If you would like more information on herbs during pregnancy, please use respected resources.
Excerpts from, with modifications from
“Giving birth should be your greatest achievement not your greatest fear.”
~Jane Weideman
Birth is Sacred. It is powerful, and mysterious, and life changing. After your birth, you and your partner will never be the same. Babies who come into this world without medication or interference are better able to find their way to the breast and to latch on in that first important hour. They are born alert and ready to meet you face to face. Mothers who are educated about birth and trust their bodies and attendants are more likely to have a smooth birth experience, and feel empowered in doing so.
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